Your ability to learn and translate that learning into action rapidly is the ultimate competitive advantage


COMPUTER literacy is set to become a non-negotiable requirement for 90 per cent of roles within five years, in occupations from carpentry to plumbing and law.

Digital Inclusions individualised approach will guarantee you gain digital competence in the applications & software of your choice.

Gain Computer Skills

Perhaps you never learned or required computer skills before, or perhaps you have worked with older operating Parents &systems, or need to brush up on your excel skills.

Personalised & Engaging

Our training is tailored and personalised to you, ensuring that the learning process is engaging.

Increase Productivity

Learn at your pace, and in the comfort of your own home or office. Return to work with confidence!

how we help you

Face to Face, One on One

Our personalised in-home lessons will provide you with the knowledge and skills to be digitally/tech savvy in no time

Personalised to you

We recognise we all have different interests and needs. Chat to us about your needs and what you would like to achieve

We come to you

We arrange a time that suits you, our trainers will use your technology, in the comfort of your own home or office

Step by step instructions

We recognise that everybody learns at a different pace. We will provide printed lesson plans so you can go back through the notes if you need to refresh

No jargon

Our trainers will provide explanations in plain English, easy to understand

It’s all about connecting with you

What makes us stand out? It’s all about you, our trainers will get to know you personalising the service. They are great teachers who love to share what they know. Our trainers will take the time to understand your interests, and tailor the content to suit you

what can we help you with

Music and entreteinment

Ordering Food

Social media

Web browsing

© 2024 - Digital Inclusions Northern Australia